Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay, located near the China border in Northeast Vietnam was recently named one of the seven new wonders of the world…..and we know why. We spent Thursday afternoon cruising the bay on a 30-foot sampan.  From up top, we were treated to a 360 degree slideshow….every single view worthy of a postcard.  Over 3,000 monolithic formations of  chalk and limestone rise up from the water  and dwarf everything from the small fishing boat to luxury ocean liners. The resulting view has been compared to a dragon’s tail that rises and falls back into the water. The bay is also home to small fishing villages and numerous caves. We were lucky enough to visit Thien Cung Cave which remained unnoticed until  1993 when it was discovered by local fisherman. The cave is immense, and photos don’t do it justice…..but we tried.


The formation known as “The Fighting Cocks” has become the icon for Ha Long Bay.




The formations dwarf the small fishing village at the base of the cliffs.


Charlie in front of one of the 3,000 formations rising up out of the bay.

The haze gave the bay a mysterious appearance.

Charlie and our guide, Chung, making the long climb to the mouth of the cave.

Inside Thien Cung Cave.

Charlie inside Thien Cung Cave .


A small opening in the cave is visible only from the inside. Outide it is obscured by vegetation.

A small opening in the cave is visible only from the inside. Outside, it is obscured by vegetation.

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