Category Archives: Southeast Asia 2012

The Dark Side of Cambodia

We arrived here Saturday full of excitement and anticipation about our visit to Angkor Wat. This is the first trip to Cambodia for either one of us, and the temples of Angkor Wat have ranked fairly high on our “bucket … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | 3 Comments

Beware the Patio Door!

So, Charlie has gone to bed, and I thought about enjoying a little quiet time on our pool-side patio. Then I saw this inconspicuous little note posted on the door…..and I decided to stay inside.  Just one of the little … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | 2 Comments

The Bar Has Been Raised

Charlie and I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel a great deal over the past 4 years, and we’ve been equally blessed to have made many new friends along the way. This past week in Vietnam, we met … Continue reading

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Chu Mong Nam Moi!

That’s how they say Happy New Year in Vietnam! Monday, January 23, marked the first day of the Lunar New Year (Tet), and Charlie and I somehow managed to arrive in Vietnam just in time to enjoy the preparations for … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | 2 Comments

On Our Way to Ha Long Bay

Charlie and I enjoyed an exhausting, but magical day (Thursday) touring Ha Long Bay .  The day began per usual at 3:30 am. We seem to be back on our daily routine of getting up with the chickens. We departed … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | Leave a comment

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay, located near the China border in Northeast Vietnam was recently named one of the seven new wonders of the world…..and we know why. We spent Thursday afternoon cruising the bay on a 30-foot sampan.  From up top, … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | Leave a comment

Love Is In The Air Here…….

January here in Vietnam brings not only the New Year festivals, but–just as in the United States–the annual rites of wedding planning. We stepped out of our hotel the first afternoon to find the corner lined with beautiful young ladies … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | 3 Comments

Hanoi–where the modern world meets tradition

We have reached the end of our second full day here in Hanoi, and we remain in awe of this city and the people who live here. On one hand, this is the capital of Vietnam….home to government offices, foreign … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | 1 Comment

A New Day Here in Hanoi!

Well, now I can say it….”Good Morning, Vietnam!”  After calling it a day at 8pm last night, we awakened per our usual schedule—4am. Room service has already been summoned for coffee, and we’re looking forward to our first full day … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | 1 Comment

Hello from the other side of the world!

Well….I had intended to title this one, “Good Morning, Vietnam, but Korean Airlines and Mother Nature had other plans in store. We actually enjoyed a very comfortable flight from Atlanta to Seoul….15 hours….followed by a five hour flight from Seoul … Continue reading

Posted in Southeast Asia 2012 | 1 Comment