Beware the Patio Door!

So, Charlie has gone to bed, and I thought about enjoying a little quiet time on our pool-side patio. Then I saw this inconspicuous little note posted on the door…..and I decided to stay inside.  Just one of the little things we don’t see every day…..

Seriously???? Monkeys?????

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2 Responses to Beware the Patio Door!

  1. Peekaboo says:

    Hey, we have been reading about the patio door for, I don’t know, a week or two. Come on, we need more. We are hooked.

    • Tammy and Charlie says:

      Sorry for the delays….Early morning (sunrise) photo tours; long, hot, days; and “the bug” have put us to bed early. I have a new post ready to go tomorrow. Meanwhile, take comfort in knowing that that patio sign was for real. I have photos and video of those monkeys!

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