First Port of Call — Giardini Naxos

Hello from the Mediterranean. Yesterday, we enjoyed a fabulous sea day, even by Charlie’s standards. No matter how many times we sail, the first 24 hours are all about balance. We set sail Saturday in rough, choppy waters; however,  by 11 pm, the sea had calmed, and we enjoyed a peaceful night’s sleep with no more than the gentle rocking motion of the ship. As is often the case, our first day at sea revolved around “housekeeping” — i.e.  getting the cabin organized for the next two weeks, securing our wireless passwords, and generally getting our sea legs. We also had the opportunity to get to know some of our fellow passengers on the cruise, and we were delighted to see a few familiar faces. The end of the day delivered the best surprise of all. We learned that the Royal Clipper would sail within a few miles of Stromboli which is home to an active volcano. At approximately 11:30 pm, we witnessed an incredible sight…..giant red flumes of molten lava shooting high in the air over the mountain. We watched the show until sometime after midnight when we finally sailed out of view. Yes, it made for a short night, but it was well worth the sacrifice. It is unlikely, however, that we will be present for tonight’s midnight buffet.

Today, Monday, we anchored off the coast of Sicily near the port city of Giardini Naxos We caught a taxi just few steps from the dock and our driver, Alfredo, drove us up the steep, winding road to Taormina. We were in Naxos one year ago, but we had to make the choice between  touring Mt. Etna or Taormina. We opted for Mt. Etna, and we had no regrets. It was an awesome experience. This year, however, we were determined to see Taormina, a charming little town hovering high above the port. We had been warned about the throngs of tourists, however, we arrived early and were able to enjoy many of the sights without fighting the crowds. This is truly one of the most beautiful cities we have seen in the Mediterranean. Around every corner you will find a view worthy of a post card. One of the highlights of the day was our visit to an ancient Greek theatre. Peering though one of the arch doorways, we caught a spectacular view of Mount Etna which is billowing steam and ash even today.  After a busy morning of exploring, we made our way to a restaurant, La Dracena, which  had been highly recommended by Charlie’s pal, Tony Greco. Unfortunately, they are closed on Monday.(This will no doubt, require a return visit to this gorgeous town, and I’ve already identified the perfect hotel.) Undaunted, we were able to find another restaurant next door, and we enjoyed a delightful meal in a cool, shaded courtyard.  After a leisurely walk back through the main street, we made our way back to the Royal Clipper.  We will set sail for Valetta, Malta in about an hour.  Meanwhile, here are a few highlights from today.

Entering the city gates of Taormina.


Charlie shot this great picture of Mt. Etna through the arched doorway of the ancient Greek theatre.



The narrow streets of Taormina are lined with with beautiful trees and flowers.


Lunch at Rossipepperocini…..not La Dracena, but still yummy.

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