Category Archives: Italy 2012

And about the food…….

For the record, I will confess that I love Italy ….. but I love the food more. I freely admit that I ate my way through Florence, and I’m not going to apologize for it. I probably gained 10 pounds, … Continue reading

Posted in Italy 2012 | 17,586 Comments

Florence is a city for lovers—pet lovers, that is.

One of the most wonderful aspects of Florence, actually Italy in general, is the love people have for their pets…particularly dogs. Dogs appear to be welcome everywhere….the streets, the markets, the post office, gelaterias, and even thr Apple Store.  No … Continue reading

Posted in Italy 2012 | 317 Comments


It’s hard to believe that we’ve been gone nearly a month! We wrapped up our stay in Florence after a glorious a week.  We loved every moment despite the 100+ degree weather, and I can’t imagine how we could have … Continue reading

Posted in Italy 2012 | 75 Comments

Catching up….Part 2

As promised, I’m playing catch up from the last week of our Royal Clipper cruise.  One week ago today, June 21, we anchored off the coast of Lerici, Italy.  We caught an early morning ferry boat to the nearby town … Continue reading

Posted in Italy 2012 | 24 Comments

Catching up……

Well, to be honest, I have no excuse. Charlie’s computer was repaired in Nice last week. We enjoyed the last week of the cruise, and we bid a sad farewell to the Royal Clipper on Saturday morning. We are currently … Continue reading

Posted in Italy 2012 | 10 Comments

Goodbye Sicily……..and a day at sea

Note: This one is posting late due to painfully slow wireless connection on our ship. Charlie and I were able to find an Apple Store upon arrival in Nice this afternoon. His computer is being repaired as I type this.  … Continue reading

Posted in Italy 2012 | 7 Comments

The Valley of the Temples

First of all, just let me vent for a moment…..If this ship had internet service that would marginally compare with the beauty of this country, I could post a blog entry in a millisecond. Sadly, this is not the case.  … Continue reading

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We awoke Tuesday morning to find the Royal Clipper still sailing toward the coast of Malta. It’s always nice to have a couple of quiet hours before the mad rush to breakfast.  We were especially happy to find that the … Continue reading

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First Port of Call — Giardini Naxos

Hello from the Mediterranean. Yesterday, we enjoyed a fabulous sea day, even by Charlie’s standards. No matter how many times we sail, the first 24 hours are all about balance. We set sail Saturday in rough, choppy waters; however,  by … Continue reading

Posted in Italy 2012 | Leave a comment

Anchors Away! (Original Post Saturday, June 9th)

After five days we bid a wistful goodbye to Rome and Fiumicino. The Hotel Seccy was kind enough to allow us a late checkout which, in turn, allowed us to sleep in this morning. I finally opened the curtains just … Continue reading

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