The Valley of the Temples

First of all, just let me vent for a moment…..If this ship had internet service that would marginally compare with the beauty of this country, I could post a blog entry in a millisecond. Sadly, this is not the case.  As we say in the South, we were “cookin’ with gas” as we approached the port this morning. I was thrilled as I was not able to get yesterday’s post out before the wireless collapsed. Just as I logged on this morning, we pulled alongside, and “wham” I lost the connection. Mind you, without a working connection, we cannot log off. Thus, our wireless credits are ticking off by the second. By my estimation, I lost about 20 minutes just trying to log out. Charlie has decided that the crummy wireless service on this boat is a major revenue maker…..second only to the bar.

Now that I have that off my chest………

Our excursion today took us to the Valley of the Temples, a collection of ancient Greek temples dating back to 581 BC. The temples lie in the valley of the Agrigento River (now dry) and adjacent to the beautiful harbor of Porto Empedocle. This was a vital trade center during the 5th century. Following a 15 minute bus ride, we spent two and half hours walking amid the ruins, many of which are remarkably well preserved. It always amazes me that such immense structures could be erected during ancient times. Even more amazing is the fact that they still stand today despite the elements, earthquakes, etc.

We also love the contrast between the ancient ruins and the georgeous trees and flowers that flourish in this region. As you will see in the photos that follow, the vegetation lends a gorgeous splash of color to the sand, stone, and marble.  Mother Nature is my favorite interior decorator!


The Temple of Concordia


“Baby” olives….the harvest is a few months away, but they’re tempting just the same!

The Temple of Hercules.

Charlie with the Temple of Jupiter in the background.

Pink and white oleander…..they smell heavenly.

The flowering cactus is everywhere and lends so much color to the sand and stone landscape.

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