Category Archives: Italy 2012

Pompeii and Caffeine Deprivation

So I will confess….I’m a day late with this entry. We enjoyed, and somehow survived, a marathon 16-hour day yesterday traveling to and from Pompeii and. I was incapable of forming a complete sentence by the time we returned to … Continue reading

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I Will Pay For This One In The Morning

You will be happy to know that it is midnight here in Rome, and I’m diligently composing an entry for today. It has been quite a day. We met our friends Garry and JoAnn at their hotel in Rome at … Continue reading

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When in Rome……..

We are winding down following Day Two in Rome, and as we munch on pizza and wine this evening, we can’t help but remember our first trip to Rome in 2009. Charlie had been here previously, but it was my … Continue reading

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Day 1 1/2 — We Hit The Ground Running…..well, sort of……..

I’m happy to report that we’ve arrived alive in Italy. There was some doubt 24 hours ago as we waited for our flight from Chicago which was delayed two hours. Fortunately, we enjoyed a relatively smooth flight and landed in … Continue reading

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