I Will Pay For This One In The Morning

You will be happy to know that it is midnight here in Rome, and I’m diligently composing an entry for today. It has been quite a day. We met our friends Garry and JoAnn at their hotel in Rome at 9am this morning. From there we traveled 20 miles east to Tivoli. It is a beautiful area located at a slightly higher elevation which makes it a bit

cooler; though today’s temperatures still hit the mid-80s. The countryside is lush with beautiful flowers and olive trees. Our first stop was Villa Adriana, known to many simply as Hadrian’s Villa. The Villa–now a well preserved series of ruins–is situated on the slopes of the Tiburtine Hills. it was constructed around 1200 AD. We spent several hours exploring the highlights of the complex before succumbing to heat and hunger. Our guide, Sabino, drove us to a beautiful hillside restaurant in Tivoli where we enjoyed several litres of water, and yes, a little white wine, under a canopy of blooming wisteria. Following lunch….and a generous helping of gelato…..we were off again. This afternoon, we toured Villa d’Este with it’s beautiful gardens and fountains. The Villa was created for Cardinal IppolitoII d’Este in the 16th century. The Villa itself is well preserved; although it sustained significant damage in WWII. The gardens and fountains were the highlights for the four of us, and the visit was a welcome, relaxing change following the grueling heat of the morning tour. We returned to Rome late this evening. We had just enough time for a visit to the Spanish Steps before dinner. Tomorrow we make the 3-hour trek along the Amalfi Coast to Pompeii. It promises to be another long, hot day—and our wake up call comes in 4 1/2 hours. ‘Night, Y’all!


Taking advantage of some much-needed shade at Villa Adriana.



Hadrian’s Villa


Charlie in front one of the gorgeous fountains of Villa d’Este.


Relaxing on the Spanish Steps.

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