When in Rome……..

We are winding down following Day Two in Rome, and as we munch on pizza and wine this evening, we can’t help but remember our first trip to Rome in 2009. Charlie had been here previously, but it was my first visit. We landed at 9am, and Charlie had arranged for a car and guide to meet us at the hotel upon arrival. We embarked on a whirlwind tour of Rome at 11:30 am, and at 5:30 pm we were begging the guide to return us to our hotel. It may sound whimpy, but in our sleep-deprived state we had hit many of the major highlights here including.the Colosseum, the Forum, the Pantheon, the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, the Church of St. Peter in Chains, Palentine Hill, and Circus Maximus. Since that time, we’ve experienced a few life-changing events. Charlie has retired and has fallen in love with photography. He acquired a brand new Cannon Mark III DSLR camera two weeks ago, and the camera is making it’s maiden voyage on this trip. For that reason, we made another one-day excursion into Rome today—not to tour, but to improve the photo collection from our last visit. Once again, we hired a guide, Rudy. Rudy is also a photographer, and he had a clear understanding of today’s mission……Take us to the best vantage points for photos of those major sights. Rudy did not disappoint. We left out at 9am this morning, and we returned at 6pm. We’re a bit frazzled, but our SDHD cards are chock full of great photos, We were able to hit all the previously mentioned sights, as well as St. Peter’s Basilica. We also made our first visit to the Catacombs.

We also had the opportunity to visit the Piazza of the Knights of Malta. Two large double doors of the villa that houses the embassy open to a beautiful courtyard with a long walkway. The scene leads your eye straight to the dome of St. Peters. It’s an amazing sight., but even mores when viewed through the keyhole in the door. Looking through the keyhole reveals one of the most amazing sites in the city. From outside the door, you can view three countries through the keyhole……Malta, Italy, and the Vatican. We had actually visited the Piazza in 2009, but we were anxious to return today….armed with the new camera. When we arrived, there was a crowd gathered in the Piazza, and the double doors were open….a rare sight we’re told. We’re still not sure of the occasion, nor the dignitaries who were walking out as we arrived; however, we had a rare opportunity to view the courtyard through the doors….as well as that keyhole. And yes……we’re easily amused. See for yourself!

Tomorrow promises to be a very long, but exciting day. Rudy returns in the morning. We will drive into the city to meet our friends Garry and JoAnn who arrived this evening from California. The four of us are heading out for a day trip to Tivoli, followed by a visit to Hadrian’s Villa. We will return to Rome tomorrow evening for dinner and a nighttime visit to the Spanish Steps. My next post might be a wee bit delayed…….

Meanwhile, here are some of the highlights from today!


We started the day early on a hilltop across from the Colosseum.

Charlie at the Church of St. Peter in Chains. The chains in the background are said to be those used to imprison St. Peter.


A rare opportunity to view the courtyard of the Knights of Malta. You can see the dome of St. Peter’s in the background.

The view through the keyhole….and trust me, St. Peter’s is still out there in the distance.


Charlie working hard to get the shot!

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