A new year and another adventure!

Welcome back, Everyone!

As you may recall, we kicked off our blog last year in London.  Well, it worked just great until we boarded the ship to Norway, and there our problems began. Onboard wireless was sketchy, and when it worked, it was unbelievably expensive. It took forever to upload a single photo, and the process often left your’s truly in a less-than-cheerful mood. The same issues plagued us for the remainder of the trip, and by the time we disembarked in Venice, we had given up in favor of Charlie’s daily emails.

Next week, we will leave for our long-awaited trip to Indochina. We hope to arrive in Hanoi Sunday, January 15th to begin a three-week journey southward through Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand. We’re told that internet service outside Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City is  about as reliable as that we found at sea (or in the fjords) last year, so the posts may not show up daily, but we hope you’ll check in from time to time.

For now, we’re grappling with how to pack two laptops, two iPads, two external hard drives, two cameras, and battery chargers into one carry-on bag. Yeah…..we’ll let you know how that works.



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