The Countdown Begins!

Hello to all!  We are just hours away from taking off for Southeast Asia. The alarm is set for 3am…ugh. We depart Nashville at 6:30 am, and after a brief layover in Atlanta, we board the 15 hour flight to Seoul on Korean Airlines. After another brief layover, we take off for Hanoi and are scheduled to arrive there around 10:30 pm Sunday (Jan 15) Hanoi Time. For those of you in the Eastern and Central Time zones, there is approximately a 12  hour time difference. For once in my life, I will be ahead of you:-) No photos posted today……the house is a disaster area, and the cats are distressed and hiding in various corners. Barney, however, is happily living the good life in North Carolina with his grandparents. For the moment, I rest in the assurance that two members of the family are sleeping peacefully…..Barney…..and Charlie.  My OCD is in overdrive, so I’m another hour away from thinking about sleep….. Here’s a wish for safe travels and reliable internet connections ahead!

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3 Responses to The Countdown Begins!

  1. Jim Pratt says:

    I am SOOOO jealous. Have a fabulous time. As always, I will living my life through you two.

  2. Adrian and Shannon says:

    Have a wonderful time! We’re excited to see all your adventures and hope to see you soon, wherever that may be. Shannon and Adrian

  3. Peekaboo says:

    Hope this Adventure is moving along well..Thank you for sharing ..All is Well Here..Daughter and Babes..Home and doing fine..God Bless you Both..Happy Trails..!!

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